Rabu, 24 Juni 2009

Being Single

He-he... kyknya being single n all dah bikin gw spaneng tujuh keliling sampe gw jatuh sakit minggu ini. Awal mei lalu gw punya kerjaan baru, disebuah lembaga bahasa sbg Fasilitator... kerjaan yg kyknya emang lebih sesuai sama apa yg selalu gw cita-citakan; 'konsultan'. tapi dibulan itu juga gw galamin kecelakaan kendaraan lebih dari sekali, bahkan salah satunya lumayan parah. kecelakaan motor itu terjadi di bilangan cawang... waktu tuh motor terjungkal gw bisa ngerasaain dgn jelas gmna rasanya tubuh gw melayang (kyk lgu 'fly without wings') n terpental dan ngehantem aspal mentah-mentah... yg gw pikir cma, "God, i'm not even married yet!!" gw gak pernah sesadar itu terhadap status gw sebelumnya... tapi peristiwa yang terjadi gak kurang dari 2 menit itu emang pada akhirnya bikin mata gw makin melek, nyadar diri bhw yang kurang dari gw selama ini adalah kesungguhan. kesunggguhan untuk mulai memperhatikan diri gw sendiri, kesungguhan untuk mulai menyayangi diri sendiri dan bener-bener serius menata diri... saat itu terlaksana, pasti Tuhan akan kasih satu yang akan melengkapi kekurangan gw. Buat semua single galz diluar sana, don't worry, hidup itu kadang gak bisa ditebak tapi bukan berarti kita gak bisa mengarahkan alurnya seperti yang kita mau... so, nikmati aja while we're single, coz, there's alot of women berharap mereka bisa mengulang kembali masa-masa ini.

1 komentar:

  1. Opportunity came again You gave Yeah Allah after the incidents in the area Cililtan Cawang

    It is just something a reprimand from God
    that life is full of warnings
    and warnings were sometimes coming
    in the form of pleasure .....
    but we just realized that sometimes the warning comes in the form
    sadness ...
    which makes us think again ..
    engage in meditation ....

    we finally said yes Alloh
    you finally opened
    my eyes to see ..
    You opened my heart to feel
    You opened my feelings to conscious

    all is the warning from you
    all are cues
    all is a sign of your
    all of me is a gift that I should be more
    This is a delicious taste of life
    that you gave to me as Thy servant, O my lord Allah

    still you give me another chance
    ford to live for more feel
    a more meaningful
    I could probably say this a second chance
    or third chance
    or an opportunity for the umpteenth opportunity
    Forgive and you always give to any servant, O servant of Allah

    Could the next opportunity
    I replace
    as men
    Thy hand O Allah connector
    to make
    feel life is more meaningful
    and feel as your servants that are completely

    To my sister was not to be sad
    hidupkankan this life with something positive
    assessing ourselves is still a chance
    which is always given by Allah god cried all natural

    possible to live and then we'll both be up to the wedding
    and become husband and wife in ridhoi Alloh
    let us pray amen
    only with that we will always be maintained
    from everything that makes
    we are always excited
    unpretentious as it navigates life
    an enlightened with the light of Islam
    true religion
    religion that guides us towards heaven given Allah in the hereafter

    amen amen yes robbal alamin

